Routemail mimics email - retain the “email way” but track your processes In most organisations email is used to pass documentation from one person to the next within the business processes but, whilst email is a very useful and easy tool to use, it has certain shortcomings which Routemail addresses in the following way: a progress view is always available - you can always see where about in the process a particular item of work is; timeframes are easy to measure and manage; holdups are identified immediately and action can be taken timeously if a person is on leave or ill it will alert you that the process has stopped; ensures that due process is followed (ISO and SANS); documentation is not duplicated each time it is forwarded, and it is managed & archived and cannot be deleted or lost. Routemail © works alongside traditional email for the transmission of business process correspondence and, whilst it works like normal email, in addition it follows a specific predetermined route through your organisation and it has features that address all of the shortcomings of using email. So, continue to use eMail for correspondence but use Routemail for your critical processes
Unlocking Service Delivery through effective governance with Contribution Accountability Modeling We unlock effective outcome-focused governance in the Public Sector - efficacy being defined as the extent to which all resources are focused on achieving the strategic intent of Government. Our approach aligns and focuses the deployment of all effort and resources by capturing the minds and wills of everyone involved, facilitating a practical understanding of Service Delivery Outcome-focused purpose in everything that is done. This is achieved through a simple, practical process, supported by unique, powerful web technology, that builds a multidimensional visualisation of the way the Department, Municipality, Sector or cross-cutting Programme delivers its outcomes-focused Mandate. The process followed in implementing the KnowledgeBankERP software brings about a Purpose- centered paradigm shift in the way individuals, at all levels in the organisation see their daily activities. Instead of a silo’ed functional view, they rather see their purpose in terms of how they collaborate with other sections of the organisation in order to meet Service Delivery Mandates as well as other cross-cutting sustainability and qualitative goals. The Collaborative view provides a sustainable method of aligning all aspects of functionality, at all levels, to a single set of Outcome goals using a Web 2.0 dynamic Role Accountability Model for individual officials to measure and report their impact through. The implementation of the Process Mapping and Routemail process automation modules adds the ability to dynamically manage and report service levels and performance
The implementation of the product utilises proven methodologies to bring about the paradigm shift necessary to align the key governance facets required in government. The key to its success in Government flows out of its usefulness to each participating component in managing the delivery of their individual contributions to the mandate as it aligns Functional performance, and progress of the implementation of Strategy to a common set of Outcome objectives and then dynamically monitors and manages performance. In so doing it automates and aligns the associated Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting (M,E&R) eg: Quarterly reporting, Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP), Annual Performance Plan, Work Plans, etc. It does not replace existing transactional systems but rather aligns their use and purpose.
SYSTEMS & SERVICES Contribution Accountability Tool Set (CATS)™ CATS enables a large business, or group of organisations, to understand their functionality in order to improve or change. It models the impact that the day to day activities of individuals has on the desired Outcomes of a business, programme or project providing a practical platform of understanding for the design, management and progress reporting for business improvement interventions.
Ahavah Business Solutions
Routemail mimics email - retain the “email way” but track your processes In most organisations email is used to pass documentation from one person to the next within the business processes but, whilst email is a very useful and easy tool to use, it has certain shortcomings which Routemail addresses in the following way: a progress view is always available - you can always see where about in the process a particular item of work is; timeframes are easy to measure and manage; holdups are identified immediately and action can be taken timeously if a person is on leave or ill it will alert you that the process has stopped; ensures that due process is followed (ISO and SANS); documentation is not duplicated each time it is forwarded, and it is managed & archived and cannot be deleted or lost. Routemail © works alongside traditional email for the transmission of business process correspondence and, whilst it works like normal email, in addition it follows a specific predetermined route through your organisation and it has features that address all of the shortcomings of using email. So, continue to use eMail for correspondence but use Routemail for your critical processes
Unlocking Service Delivery through effective governance with Contribution Accountability Modeling We unlock effective outcome-focused governance in the Public Sector - efficacy being defined as the extent to which all resources are focused on achieving the strategic intent of Government. Our approach aligns and focuses the deployment of all effort and resources by capturing the minds and wills of everyone involved, facilitating a practical understanding of Service Delivery Outcome- focused purpose in everything that is done. This is achieved through a simple, practical process, supported by unique, powerful web technology, that builds a multidimensional visualisation of the way the Department, Municipality, Sector or cross-cutting Programme delivers its outcomes-focused Mandate. The process followed in implementing the KnowledgeBankERP software brings about a Purpose-centered paradigm shift in the way individuals, at all levels in the organisation see their daily activities. Instead of a silo’ed functional view, they rather see their purpose in terms of how they collaborate with other sections of the organisation in order to meet Service Delivery Mandates as well as other cross-cutting sustainability and qualitative goals. The Collaborative view provides a sustainable method of aligning all aspects of functionality, at all levels, to a single set of Outcome goals using a Web 2.0 dynamic Role Accountability Model for individual officials to measure and report their impact through. The implementation of the Process Mapping and Routemail process automation modules adds the ability to dynamically manage and report service levels and performance
The implementation of the product utilises proven methodologies to bring about the paradigm shift necessary to align the key governance facets required in government. The key to its success in Government flows out of its usefulness to each participating component in managing the delivery of their individual contributions to the mandate as it aligns Functional performance, and progress of the implementation of Strategy to a common set of Outcome objectives and then dynamically monitors and manages performance. In so doing it automates and aligns the associated Monitoring, Evaluating and Reporting (M,E&R) eg: Quarterly reporting, Service Delivery Improvement Plan (SDIP), Annual Performance Plan, Work Plans, etc. It does not replace existing transactional systems but rather aligns their use and purpose.
SYSTEMS & SERVICES Contribution Accountability Tool Set (CATS)™ CATS enables a large business, or group of organisations, to understand their functionality in order to improve or change. It models the impact that the day to day activities of individuals has on the desired Outcomes of a business, programme or project providing a practical platform of understanding for the design, management and progress reporting for business improvement interventions.
Ahavah Business Solutions

Process Outcomes Management

Bridging Strategy with

Functional Reality

Monitoring and Evaluation